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Sakurajima Volcano

Updated: Mar 24, 2025 10:19 GMT -
Kyushu, Japan, 31.59°N / 130.66°E
Summit height: 1117 m / 3,665 ft
Current status: erupting (4 out of 5)
Last update: 22 Mar 2025 (Volcanic Ash Advisory)

Sakurajima (also spelled Sakurashima or Sakura-jima, 桜島 in Japanese) volcano in southern Kyushu is one of the most active volcanoes in the world, and one of the few that are at present in constant (persistant) activity. Its ongoing typical activity range from strong strombolian to large ash explosions every 4-24 hours.
The volcano is the historically active center of the larger complex of the Aira caldera volcano. Located across Kagoshima Bay, which separates the city and the volcano by 4.2 km of water, its summit is only 8 km east of the city of Kagoshima with a population of half a million. Sakurajima's eruptive history has been recorded since the 8th century. It frequently deposits ash on Kagoshima. Due to its explosive potential, it is considered a very dangerous volcano and closely monitored.
The largest historical eruptions of Sakurajima took place during 1471-76 and in 1914.

[smaller] [larger]
Typical eruption style: Explosive
Sakurajima volcano eruptions: 1955-ongoing, 1954(?), 1950, 1948, 1946, 1942, 1941, 1940, 1939, 1938, 1935, 1914-15, 1899(?), 1860, 1799, 1797, 1794, 1792, 1791, 1790, 1785, 1783, 1782, 1779-81, 1756, 1749, 1742, 1706, 1678, 1670(?), 1642, 1478, 1471-76, 1468, 778, 766, 764, 716-18, 712(?), 708

Latest nearby earthquakes

Date and TimeMag / DepthDistance / Location
Mar 24, 04:27 pm (GMT +9)

121 km
22 km (14 mi) to the N Japan: Near Kagoshima City  I FELT IT Info
Mar 24, 04:27 pm (GMT +9)

118 km
22 km (14 mi) to the N Japan: Near Kagoshima City Info
Sunday, March 23, 2025 GMT (1 quake)
Mar 23, 06:06 pm (GMT +9)

12 km
26 km (16 mi) to the SW Japan: Satsuma Peninsula Region Info
Saturday, March 22, 2025 GMT (1 quake)
Mar 22, 04:26 pm (GMT +9)

7.2 km
16 km (9.9 mi) to the SW Japan: Satsuma Peninsula Region Info
Friday, March 21, 2025 GMT (2 quakes)
Mar 22, 03:19 am (GMT +9)

30 km
1.8 km (1.1 mi) to the S Japan: Near Kagoshima City Info
Mar 21, 03:21 pm (GMT +9)

0 km
27 km (17 mi) to the W Japan: Satsuma Peninsula Region Info
Monday, March 17, 2025 GMT (1 quake)
Mar 17, 01:29 pm (GMT +9)

0.9 km
27 km (17 mi) to the W Japan: Satsuma Peninsula Region Info
Sunday, March 16, 2025 GMT (1 quake)
Mar 17, 01:52 am (GMT +9)

118 km
24 km (15 mi) to the S Japan: Osumi Peninsula Region Info
Friday, March 14, 2025 GMT (1 quake)
Mar 14, 04:22 pm (GMT +9)

1.6 km
27 km (17 mi) to the W Japan: Satsuma Peninsula Region Info


Sakurajima's present day volcano is a new volcanic cone inside the 17 x 23 km wide Aira caldera forming the northern half of Kagoshima Bay. The caldera formed around 22,000 years ago during a Plinian eruption that produced large pyroclastic flows.
Around 13,000 years ago, another smaller caldera, the so-called Wakamiko caldera was formed in the NE corner of the Aira caldera and was partially filled by volcanic cones. One of the new vents in this caldera eventually became present-day Sakura-jima located on the southern rim of Aira caldera. Sakurajima's early activity took place mainly at the Kita-dake summit cone until about 4850 years ago, after which its vent shifted to Minami-dake. The construction of Sakurajima formed a new island that was joined to the Osumi Peninsula during the major explosive and effusive eruption of 1914.
External link: Living in the Shade of Sakurajima—The Most Active Volcano in Japan (

Sakurajima Volcano Photos

Significant volcanic eruptions: Sakurajima volcano

In the past 10,000 years, Sakurajima has had at least 48 confirmed volcanic eruptions, out of which 36 are documented by historical records, while the others can be inferred from geological evidence.
Additionally, there are 6 uncertain or discredited eruptions from Sakurajima volcano.
The table below lists all known eruptions (date in bold face) of Sakurajima volcano since around 1800. Updates on the most recent volcanic activity of Sakurajima can be found on the news page of Sakurajima volcano.
2017 Mar 25 - ongoingMinamidake summit crater
Historical obs./docs.
1955 Oct 13 - 2016 Aug 22Minami-dake and east flank (Showa crater)
Historical obs./docs.
2013 Sep 4
(eruptive episode 2013 Sep 4)
Historical obs./docs.
1974 Aug 9
(eruption 1955 Oct 13 - 2016 Aug 22)
Historical obs./docs.
1974 Jun 17
(eruption 1955 Oct 13 - 2016 Aug 22)
Historical obs./docs.
1955 Oct 13
(eruption 1955 Oct 13 - 2016 Aug 22)
Historical obs./docs.
31-50 (*)
?? 1954 Nov 16 ±15 d. - Dec 16 ±15 d.
Uncertain Eruption
1950 Jun 29 - Sep 9Minami-dake
Historical obs./docs.
1948 Jul 27East flank of Minami-dake (750 m)
Historical obs./docs.
1946 Jan - NovEast flank of Minami-dake (750 m)
Historical obs./docs.
1946 Jan
(eruption 1946 Jan - Nov)
Historical obs./docs.
1942 Jul 16East flank of Minami-dake (750 m)
Historical obs./docs.
1941 Apr 28 - Aug 26East flank of Minami-dake (750 m)
Historical obs./docs.
1940 Apr 24 - Jul 9Minami-dake and east flank (750 m)
Historical obs./docs.
1939 Oct 26 - Nov 12 ?East flank of Minami-dake (750 m)
Historical obs./docs.
1938 Feb 25 - Mar 31Minami-dake
Historical obs./docs.
1935 Sep 20 - Sep 24Minami-dake
Historical obs./docs.
1914 Jan 12 - 1915 MayWest, east and SE flanks
Historical obs./docs.
1914 Jan 12
(eruption 1914 Jan 12 - 1915 May)
Tsunami recorded
Historical obs./docs.
?? 1899 Sep 24 - Sep 25
Uncertain Eruption
Historical obs./docs.
(*) Estimated numbers
Our list of volcanic eruptions closely follows the database of eruptions of the Smithsonian's Global Volcanism Project (GVP), the internationally most recognized data source for volcanic eruptions, but also includes significant eruptive episodes or related volcano events. "Volcanic eruptions" are usually to be understood as sequences of individual eruptive episodes that can follow each other, or even overlap (if several vents are involved), and can last many years, decades or even longer. For example, the current activity of Stromboli volcano is understood as a single eruption that has been ongoing since 1934.
Sources: NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI), Global Significant Volcanic Eruptions Database. doi:10.7289/V5TD9V7K | Global Volcanism Project / Smithsonian Institution

Eruptions of Sakurajima volcano

2006-2010 Activity: moderate explosions at 1-5 days intervals
Moderate explosions with typical plume heights of around 2 km occured every 1-5 days during most of 2006-10. In 2009, a slight increase of activity was observed. Plume heights of explosions reached a maximum of 5 km altitude (4 km height). ...more info

4 June 2006: first eruption outside the summit crater in 58 years
On 4 June 2006, Sakurajima erupted from a small vent outside the summit crater, near or within the crater which erupted the 1946 (Showa) lava flow on the E slope of Minami-dake summit. The eruption continued intermittently until the next morning.

Activity in 2000-2005
Sakurajima returned to low to medium levels of activity, with 150-200 eruptions per year. Occasional stronger explosions, such as on 7 October 2000, caused eruption columns as tall as 5 km above the crater, abundant ash falls, and damage windshields to cars.

Oct - Dec 1999 eruptions
Vigorous activity began in October 1999, marked by lava fountains and large large amounts of ejected ballistic bombs, blocks and lapilli falling as far as 4 km from the crater. ...more info

Activity in the 1990s
Compared to the 1980s, activity remained at lower levels at Sakurajima in the 1990, with explosions often occurring only at intervals of several days. Long pauses in explosive activity characterize the year 1995. ...more info

Activity in the 1980s
Explosions continue to occur typically one per day or two. Between 1985 and 1987, the activity produces particularly violent eruptions, peaking in November with 3 powerful explosions that cause much damage to cars and houses by impacting volcanic bombs. ...more info

Activity in the 1970s
Sarkurajima's activity was characterized by typically one explosion per day. THe largest eruptions produced plumes up to 4 km high, and on several occasions, landing aircraft at Kagoshima airport were damaged when flying through ash.
The eruptions caused no fatalities, but damaged cars, windows and crops in the immediate area around the volcano. ...more info

Sakurajima Volcano FAQ

+When was the last eruption of Sakurajima volcano?

+How often does Sakurajima volcano erupt?

+How active is Sakurajima volcano at present?

+When was the largest eruption of Sakurajima volcano?

Latest satellite images

Sakurajima satellite image sat1Sakurajima satellite image sat2
Sakurajima Volcano Tours
5-day volcano expedition to observe Sakurajima volcano's activity from close
5 days / 4 nights - Easy
Price on request
no scheduled dates at present

Sakurajima Volcano Maps

Below is a selection of maps showing the location and surroundings of the volcano at various resolutions based on aerial-imagery / terrain maps. Feel free to use them for non-commercial purposes on your blog or website as long as you credit them with a link back to this page (click to copy it).
Satellite/aerial-type map of Sakurajima volcano (world scale)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Sakurajima volcano (world scale)
Terrain-type map of Sakurajima volcano (world scale)
Terrain-type map of Sakurajima volcano (world scale)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Sakurajima volcano (region scale large)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Sakurajima volcano (region scale large)
Terrain-type map of Sakurajima volcano (region scale large)
Terrain-type map of Sakurajima volcano (region scale large)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Sakurajima volcano (region scale medium)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Sakurajima volcano (region scale medium)
Terrain-type map of Sakurajima volcano (region scale medium)
Terrain-type map of Sakurajima volcano (region scale medium)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Sakurajima volcano (region scale small)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Sakurajima volcano (region scale small)
Terrain-type map of Sakurajima volcano (region scale small)
Terrain-type map of Sakurajima volcano (region scale small)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Sakurajima volcano (local scale large)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Sakurajima volcano (local scale large)
Terrain-type map of Sakurajima volcano (local scale large)
Terrain-type map of Sakurajima volcano (local scale large)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Sakurajima volcano (local scale medium)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Sakurajima volcano (local scale medium)
Terrain-type map of Sakurajima volcano (local scale medium)
Terrain-type map of Sakurajima volcano (local scale medium)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Sakurajima volcano (local scale small)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Sakurajima volcano (local scale small)
Terrain-type map of Sakurajima volcano (local scale small)
Terrain-type map of Sakurajima volcano (local scale small)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Sakurajima volcano (scale of 10s of km)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Sakurajima volcano (scale of 10s of km)
Terrain-type map of Sakurajima volcano (scale of 10s of km)
Terrain-type map of Sakurajima volcano (scale of 10s of km)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Sakurajima volcano (scale of 20-40 km)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Sakurajima volcano (scale of 20-40 km)
Terrain-type map of Sakurajima volcano (scale of 20-40 km)
Terrain-type map of Sakurajima volcano (scale of 20-40 km)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Sakurajima volcano (scale of approx. 10-20 km)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Sakurajima volcano (scale of approx. 10-20 km)
Terrain-type map of Sakurajima volcano (scale of approx. 10-20 km)
Terrain-type map of Sakurajima volcano (scale of approx. 10-20 km)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Sakurajima volcano (scale of 5-10 km)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Sakurajima volcano (scale of 5-10 km)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Sakurajima volcano (scale of few kilometers)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Sakurajima volcano (scale of few kilometers)
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Here's what a typical moderate explosion looks like (3 Oct 2013 Nov 19:33 GMT, or 4 Oct 04:33 ):

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