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Updated: Mar 12, 2025 15:46 GMT -

Address & legal responsible

VolcanoDiscovery GmbH
Geschäftsführer: Dr. Tom Pfeiffer
Registergericht Saarbrücken, HRB 103744

Address / contacts:
A: Heideweg 2, D-66606 St. Wendel, Germany
T: +49-6851-9777009
W: /
E: tours(AT)

EU-VAT Id: DE 297 465 123

Website / Webmaster: Tom Pfeiffer
Printmedia & Design: Katja Pfeiffer
VolcanoDiscovery / VolcanoAdventures are trade marks of Dr. Tom Pfeiffer.

External links

This website includes links to external pages. We have reviewed the respective external content and found no offensive or illegal content there. However, we cannot assume any liability for such external content.
A constant review of linked external pages is unreasonable without concrete reason to believe that a violation of the law or illegal content may be involved. If we find such or receive information that an external, linked website has offensive or illegal content, we will remove the link immediately.

Privacy policy

We only collect personal data with your consent, i.e. if you sign up for our newsletter or contact us.
We collect anonymous data that results from visiting this website: this includes your IP, the time of your visit, the page(s) you look at, the type of browser & device you use, which website if any linked you to this one, and similar standard information. This data is stored in log files on our server and we normally only use it for statistical purposes, but if needed it can be used in case of abuse (hacking etc) to identify you.

Personal information you send us directly
If you send us any personal information directly using email, our contact form or other means, we will keep this on record, but only use it for the purpose to provide you the service you requested from us in the first place. In typical situations, we need this information from you (e.g. if you like to book a tour with us etc.)
We do not share this information in any way with third parties and keep it inaccessible for anyone not entitled to see it.

Link: Our detailed privacy policy

Use of material from this website

Copyrights and use of material: Unless otherwise stated all copyright of text, images and other material on this website belongs to us. Any use of material from this website without prior written permission is prohibited.

Sharing on social media (facebook, twitter etc)
We do allow (and encourage you to) share shorter passages of text and single images or links on social media sites, provided you place a link back to the original webpage on this site.

If you want to use any material or buy licensing rights, e.g. of photographs you find on this website, do not hesitate to contact us. Most photographs from this website can be delivered quickly in high-resolution of up to 120 MB. From our large stock of photographs in our archive we can often find photos that match your idea if you don't find it on the website. As experienced photographers, we also accept assignments of shooting related subjects, on request also in combination with a full story. A reference list can be made available.


The contents of this website have been compiled with due diligence and know-how. However, we don't provide any guarantee or warranty, neither expressively nor implicitly, for the type of content or its correctness.
We don't accept any liability (including liability for indirect loss or loss of profits or turnover) regarding the contents of this website or the use of it.
Volcanoes & Earthquakes - new app for Android
Guaranteed tours
6-19 Apr 2025: Desert, salt and volcanoes - Danakil desert (Ethiopia)
12-19 Apr 2025: Europe's Volcanic Outpost - Canary Islands
9-25 Jun 2025: Volcanoes and Spices - Sulawesi/Halmahera (Indonesia)
27 Jun - 6 Jul 2025: Iceland Volcano Special - Iceland
7-23 Jul 2025: Volcanoes and Spices - Sulawesi/Halmahera (Indonesia)
1-17 Aug 2025: Volcanoes and Spices - Sulawesi/Halmahera (Indonesia)
13-26 Sep 2025: Green Volcanoes - Azores (Portugal)
1-14 Oct 2025: Desert, salt and volcanoes - Danakil desert (Ethiopia)
4-12 Oct 2025: From Stromboli to Etna - Sicily and Eolian Islands (Italy)
= spaces available   = guaranteed   = few spaces left   = booked out
Why is there advertising on this site?
Sources: VolcanoDiscovery / VolcanoAdventures and other sources as noted.
Use of material: Most text and images on our websites are owned by us. Re-use is generally not permitted without authorization. Contact us for licensing rights.
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VolcanoDiscovery GmbH, Germany, Reg. nr.: HRB 103744, EU Tax Id: DE 297 465 123 owned and created by
Dr. Tom Pfeiffer, volcanologist, volcano photographer, tour organizer member of
Vulkanologische Gesellschaft
Volcanological Society
Ecotourism Greece
Ecotourism Greece
RUV insurance
Insured by R+V



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