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Reventador Volcano

Updated: Mar 24, 2025 14:52 GMT -
Ecuador, -0.08°S / -77.66°W
Summit height: 3562 m (11,686 ft)
Current status: erupting (4 out of 5)
Last update: 24 Mar 2025 (Volcanic Ash Advisory)
Vulcanian explosion at Reventador volcano in Jan 2020
Vulcanian explosion at Reventador volcano in Jan 2020

Reventador, a 3562 m high stratovolcano, is one of Ecuador's most active volcanoes.

[smaller] [larger]
Typical eruption style: Explosive and effusive.
Reventador volcano eruptions: 1541, 1590, 1691, 1748, 1797, 1802, 1843, 1843, 1844, 1856, 1871, 1894, 1898-1906, 1912, 1926, 1929, 1936, 1944, 1955, 1957, 1960, 1972, 1973-74, 1976, 2002 (large eruption), 2004 (Nov) - 2005 (Jan), 2005 (June) - 2006 (March), 2008 (July) - ongoing

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Reventador had a major eruption on 3 November 2002, when it produced a 17-km-high eruption column, pyroclastic flows that traveled distances of up to 8 km, as well as lava flows from summit and flank vents.Reventador volcano belongs to a chain of volcanoes in the Cordillera Real, well east of the principal volcanic axis. The volcano is densely covered by forests and rises above the remote jungles of the western Amazon basin. The volcano has a 4-km-wide caldera that is widely breached to the east, which formed by collapse of the volcanic edifice. It is partially was formed by edifice collapse and is partially filled by a young, unvegetated stratovolcano rising about 1300 m above the caldera floor to a height above the caldera rim.
During historical times, Reventador has produced numerous lava flows and explosive eruptions that could even be seen from Quito. Rainfalls frequently produce mud-flows (lahars) that have accumulated a large debris plain on the eastern floor of the caldera.

Geologic History of Reventador volcano
Reventador volcano was constructed during 3 principal phases:
1) Basal Volcanic Complex
A stratovolcano began its construction ca. 350,000-400,000 years ago. The volcano suffered major collapse and produced an avalanche deposit of about 20 cubic km volume, about 30,000 years ago.

2) The intermediate volcano, called Volcán Paleo Reventador, is a stratovolcano which grew inside the caldera left by the collapse of the Basal Volcanic Complex. It, too, was destroyed by a large collapse of the east flank. The debris avalanche of this event is easily recognizable in topography and has a volume of 8 cubic km. The age of this collapse is estimated at 20,000 years ago.

3) The present volcano Reventador, one of the most active in Ecuador, followed the collapse of the intermediate volcano. It has been particularly active during the twentieth century. Significant eruptions occurred in 1922, 1926, 1929, 1936, 1944, 1955, 1958, 1960, 1972, 1973-1974 and 1976.

Source: Samaniego et al (2005) "Temporal Evolution of Magmatism in the Northern Volcanic Zone of the Andes: The Geology and Petrology of Cayambe Volcanic Complex (Ecuador)", J. Petrology, v. 46 (11), pp. 2225-2252

Lahars were observed at the volcano in June 2007, after ash emissions in May 2007.

Significant volcanic eruptions: Reventador volcano

In the past 10,000 years, Reventador has had at least 26 confirmed eruptions, all documented by historical records or observations.
The table below lists all known eruptions (date in bold face) of Reventador volcano since around 1800. Updates on the most recent volcanic activity of Reventador can be found on the news page of Reventador volcano.
2008 Jul 27 - ongoing
Historical obs./docs.
2007 Mar 15 ±7 d. - Oct 11 ?
Historical obs./docs.
2004 Nov 7 ±3 d. - 2006 Mar 16 ±15 d.
Historical obs./docs.
2002 Nov 3 - 2003 Jan 10 ?Summit and SE flank (2600 m)
Historical obs./docs.
2002 Nov 3
(eruption 2002 Nov 3 - 2003 Jan 10 ?)
Historical obs./docs.
41-50 (*)
1976 Jan 4 - May 16 ±15 d.
Historical obs./docs.
1973 Nov 16 ±15 d. - 1974 Jul 16 ±15 d.
Historical obs./docs.
1972 Jul 16 ±15 d. - Sep 16 ±15 d.
Historical obs./docs.
1960 Jun 16 ±15 d.
Historical obs./docs.
1958 Nov 16 ±15 d.
Historical obs./docs.
1955 Jul 2 ±182 d.
Historical obs./docs.
1944 Feb 24 - Mar 1
Historical obs./docs.
1936 Aug 27
Historical obs./docs.
Historical obs./docs.
1926 Jan 5 ±4 d. - May
Historical obs./docs.
1912 Feb - Mar
Historical obs./docs.
1898 Apr 8 - 1906
Historical obs./docs.
Historical obs./docs.
1871 Jan 30
Historical obs./docs.
1856 Dec 12 - Dec 13
Historical obs./docs.
1843 Dec 7
Historical obs./docs.
Historical obs./docs.
1843 or before
Historical obs./docs.
(*) Estimated numbers
Our list of volcanic eruptions closely follows the database of eruptions of the Smithsonian's Global Volcanism Project (GVP), the internationally most recognized data source for volcanic eruptions, but also includes significant eruptive episodes or related volcano events. "Volcanic eruptions" are usually to be understood as sequences of individual eruptive episodes that can follow each other, or even overlap (if several vents are involved), and can last many years, decades or even longer. For example, the current activity of Stromboli volcano is understood as a single eruption that has been ongoing since 1934.
Sources: NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI), Global Significant Volcanic Eruptions Database. doi:10.7289/V5TD9V7K | Global Volcanism Project / Smithsonian Institution

Eruptions of Reventador volcano

2008 eruptions
On 8 November 2008, residents of El Chaco village about 35 km SE of the volcano heard explosion sounds from Reventador. On 9 November, strombolian explosions and 2 lava flows were observed descending the north and south flanks of the central cone.

2002 eruption
Reventador volcano erupted suddenly on 3 November 2002 after 26 years of inactivity. Lava flows descended along the Montana, Marquez and Piedra Fina ravines, destroying roads and highways between Quito and Lago Agrio and damaged local farms.
At 09h12 local time, the main phase of the eruption began, producing an ash column rising to 16-17 km height above the summit. 3-4 hours later, the ash cloud reached the Inter-Andean Valley and the capital Quito ca. 100 km away from the volcano, where it caused almost total darkness in the late afternoon. The ash plume left a layer of fine gray ash up to 3-5 mm thick everywhere.
Over 2 million people were directly affected by the eruption, most of them by ash fall in areas up to 100-200 km distance. Near the volcano, pyroclastic flows devastated the flanks, reaching 8 km from the breached caldera, flowing down steep slopes to reach the Quijos river.
Heavy ashfall occurred in the provinces of Pichincha, Napo and Sucumbios and caused the closing of the international airport of Quito. The Trans Ecuadorian oil pipeline was shut down as precautionary measures.
2 people were seriously injured by impacts of falling tephra. 22 people from surrounding rural areas were evacuated. The Government of Ecuador declared a local emergency and made preparations for the potential evacuation of 3,000 people from the areas closest to the volcano, specifically from the village of El Reventador.
Source: Smithsonian / GVP monthly reports

Reventador Volcano FAQ

+When was the last eruption of Reventador volcano?

+How often does Reventador volcano erupt?

+How active is Reventador volcano at present?

+When was the largest eruption of Reventador volcano?

Latest satellite images

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Reventador Volcano Tours
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Reventador Volcano Maps

Below is a selection of maps showing the location and surroundings of the volcano at various resolutions based on aerial-imagery / terrain maps. Feel free to use them for non-commercial purposes on your blog or website as long as you credit them with a link back to this page (click to copy it).
Satellite/aerial-type map of Reventador volcano (world scale)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Reventador volcano (world scale)
Terrain-type map of Reventador volcano (world scale)
Terrain-type map of Reventador volcano (world scale)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Reventador volcano (region scale large)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Reventador volcano (region scale large)
Terrain-type map of Reventador volcano (region scale large)
Terrain-type map of Reventador volcano (region scale large)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Reventador volcano (region scale medium)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Reventador volcano (region scale medium)
Terrain-type map of Reventador volcano (region scale medium)
Terrain-type map of Reventador volcano (region scale medium)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Reventador volcano (region scale small)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Reventador volcano (region scale small)
Terrain-type map of Reventador volcano (region scale small)
Terrain-type map of Reventador volcano (region scale small)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Reventador volcano (local scale large)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Reventador volcano (local scale large)
Terrain-type map of Reventador volcano (local scale large)
Terrain-type map of Reventador volcano (local scale large)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Reventador volcano (local scale medium)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Reventador volcano (local scale medium)
Terrain-type map of Reventador volcano (local scale medium)
Terrain-type map of Reventador volcano (local scale medium)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Reventador volcano (local scale small)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Reventador volcano (local scale small)
Terrain-type map of Reventador volcano (local scale small)
Terrain-type map of Reventador volcano (local scale small)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Reventador volcano (scale of 10s of km)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Reventador volcano (scale of 10s of km)
Terrain-type map of Reventador volcano (scale of 10s of km)
Terrain-type map of Reventador volcano (scale of 10s of km)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Reventador volcano (scale of 20-40 km)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Reventador volcano (scale of 20-40 km)
Terrain-type map of Reventador volcano (scale of 20-40 km)
Terrain-type map of Reventador volcano (scale of 20-40 km)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Reventador volcano (scale of approx. 10-20 km)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Reventador volcano (scale of approx. 10-20 km)
Terrain-type map of Reventador volcano (scale of approx. 10-20 km)
Terrain-type map of Reventador volcano (scale of approx. 10-20 km)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Reventador volcano (scale of 5-10 km)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Reventador volcano (scale of 5-10 km)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Reventador volcano (scale of few kilometers)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Reventador volcano (scale of few kilometers)
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