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Volcanoes of Fiji (8)

The Fiji Islands are part of an island arc formed by an ancient subduction zone, but the subduction zone is no longer active. At present, they are located in the backarc zone corresponding to the North New Hebrides and New Hebrides Trenches, in an area characterized by several small ocean basins with developing sea-floor spreading rifts. These include the Lau Basin to the east and the North Fiji Basin to the west of Fiji.

Kabara | Katafaga | Koro | Mago | Nabukelevu | Nairai | Taveuni | Waikama
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Latest earthquakes: Fiji

There were 6 quakes of magnitude 4.0+ in or near Fiji in the past 7 days.
A Magnitude  earthquake occurred in .
Date and TimeMag / DepthNearest Volcano / Location
Mar 25, 08:28 pm (GMT -12)

577 km
273 km (170 mi) NW ofFiji Region  I FELT IT Info
Tuesday, March 25, 2025 GMT (2 quakes)
Mar 25, 09:12 pm (GMT +12)

585 km
255 km (158 mi) SE of297 km E of Levuka, Fiji  I FELT IT Info
Mar 25, 06:27 pm (GMT +12)

531 km
280 km (174 mi) SE of270 km ESE of Levuka, Fiji  I FELT IT Info
Monday, March 24, 2025 GMT (1 quake)
Mar 24, 11:12 am (GMT -12)

612 km
291 km (181 mi) NW ofFiji Region  I FELT IT Info
Sunday, March 23, 2025 GMT (2 quakes)
Mar 23, 10:03 pm (GMT +12)

619 km
254 km (158 mi) SE of288 km E of Levuka, Fiji  I FELT IT Info
Mar 23, 06:30 pm (GMT +12)

620 km
278 km (173 mi) SE of297 km E of Levuka, Fiji  I FELT IT Info

Significant Earthquakes in Fiji since 1900

The deadliest earthquake in Fiji since 1900 was the magnitude 6.4 earthquake in  Fiji on Sep, 14, 1953. It resulted in 7 fatalities and 12 injured people. Most casualties and damage resulted from the tsunami that followed the quake. The height of the tsunami waves reached 15 m (49 ft). This was the most disastrous quake in Fiji ever recorded.
A tsunami was generated by the quake as well and contributed to its desctuctive effects. This was the 8th worst quake in Fiji during recorded history. An unknown number houses and other buildings were destroyed and an unknown number damaged.

1979 Nov 166.9Fiji Islands0
1953 Sep 146.4Fiji Islands7
1932 Mar 86.2Fiji Islands: Koro, Mudu, Suvasavu0
1919 Oct 36.9Fiji Islands: Rabi, Tunuloa Mission, Suvasavu0
Source: NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI), Global Significant Earthquake Database. doi:10.7289/V5TD9V7K


Oldest quakes (until 1960) are shown in yellow, most recent (from 2000) in red.
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Significant Earthquakes in Fiji FAQ

+Which was the deadliest earthquake in Fiji since 1900?

+Which was the earthquake that caused most damage in Fiji since 1900?

+How many people were killed by earthquakes in Fiji since 1900?

+How much damage did earthquakes cause in Fiji since 1900?

Volcano List


(Unknown unknown)
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(Unknown unknown)
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(cinder cones 522 m / 1,713 ft)
Koro volcano is a group of young basaltic cinder cones on 16x9 km wide Koro Island between Viti Levu and Vanua Levu, Fiji. Some of the cones are possibly less than 10,000 years old. [more info]


(Pyroclastic cone(s) unknown)
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(lava domes 805 m / 2,641 ft)
Nabukelevu volcano is an andesitic-dacitic lava dome complex at the SW end of Kadavu Island, Fiji. Its summit is called Mt. Washington. There are flat lava flows at Cape Washington on the west coast and at the Talaulia Bay on the NE coast.
A main hazard from the volcano are... [more info]


(Complex 335 m / 1099 ft)
[more info]


(shield volcano 1241 m / 4,071 ft)
Taveuni volcano is a massive, elongated basaltic shield volcano, which forms the 40 km long Tavenui Island, the 3rd largest of the Fiji Islands. Tavenui is known as the "Garden Island" because of its rich volcanic soils.
Tavenui volcano has had at least 36 eruptions since ... [more info]


(Complex 760 m / 2493 ft)
[more info]
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Backarc basins and plate boundaries in the Pacific Ocean and location of Fiji (BAB)
Microplates and seismicity near the New Hebrides Subduction zone
Microplates and seismicity near the New Hebrides Subduction zone
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