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Colima Volcano

Updated: Mar 24, 2025 00:05 GMT -
Western Mexico, 19.51°N / -103.62°W
Summit height: 3850 m / 12,631 ft
Current status: normal or dormant (1 out of 5)
Last update: 18 Oct 2023 (Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report)
Strong explosion at Colima volcano in Feb 2015
Strong explosion at Colima volcano in Feb 2015

Colima volcano is one of the most active volcanoes in North America and one of the potentially most dangerous ones. It has had more than 30 periods of eruptions since 1585, including several significant eruptions in the late 1990s. Scientific monitoring of the volcano began 20 years ago.

[smaller] [larger]
Typical eruption style: Dominantly explosive. Construction of lava domes, vulcanian eruptions and strombolian activity. In near-constant activity since 1994.
Colima volcano eruptions: 1519, 1560, 1576, 1585, 1590, 1602(?), 1606, 1611-1613, 1622, 1690, 1711, 1743(?), 1744, 1749(?),1769, 1770, 1771, 1780, 1794, 1795, 1804, 1806-1809, 1818, 1819, 1866, 1869, 1870-71, 1872-73, 1874, 1875-78, 1879-80, 1880-81, 1882-84, 1885-1886, 1887, 1889-90, 1890, 1891-92, 1893-1902, 1903, 1904-1906, 1908-09, 1913, 1926-1931(?), 1941(?), 1957-1960, 1961-62, 1963-70, 1973(?), 1975-76, 1977-1982, 1983(?), 1985-86, 1987, 1988(?), 1991, 1994, 1997-2011, 2013-ongoing

Latest nearby earthquakes

Date and TimeMag / DepthDistance / Location
Mar 19, 11:52 am (GMT -6)

32 km
28 km (18 mi) to the W Mexico: 28 km Al NOROESTE De VILLA DE ALVAREZ, COL Info
Monday, March 17, 2025 GMT (1 quake)
Mar 17, 03:26 pm (GMT -6)

30 km
21 km (13 mi) to the SW Jalisco, 21 km north of Colima, Colima, MexicoI FELT IT Info
Sunday, March 16, 2025 GMT (1 quake)
Mar 16, 02:03 pm (Mexico City)

24 km
26 km (16 mi) to the W Jalisco, Mexico Info
Thursday, March 13, 2025 GMT (1 quake)
Mar 13, 12:00 pm (Universal Time)

87 km
29 km (18 mi) to the SW Jalisco, Mexico (unconfirmed) Info
Tuesday, March 11, 2025 GMT (1 quake)
Mar 11, 06:19 pm (Universal Time)

18 km
24 km (15 mi) to the W Jalisco, 30 km northwest of Colima, Colima, Mexico (unconfirmed) Info
Monday, March 10, 2025 GMT (1 quake)
Mar 10, 03:04 pm (Universal Time)

31 km
29 km (18 mi) to the SW Jalisco, Mexico (unconfirmed) Info


The Colima volcanic complex is the most prominent volcanic center of the western Mexican Volcanic Belt. It consists of two southward-younging volcanoes, Nevado de Colima (the 4320 m high point of the complex) on the north and the 3850-m-high historically active Volcán de Colima at the south.

A group of cinder cones of probable late-Pleistocene age is located on the floor of the Colima graben west and east of the Colima complex. Volcán de Colima (also known as Volcán Fuego) is a youthful stratovolcano constructed within a 5-km-wide caldera, breached to the south, that has been the source of large debris avalanches. Major slope failures have occurred repeatedly from both the Nevado and Colima cones, and have produced a thick apron of debris-avalanche deposits on three sides of the complex. Frequent historical eruptions date back to the 16th century. Occasional major explosive eruptions (most recently in 1913) have destroyed the summit and left a deep, steep-sided crater that was slowly refilled and then overtopped by lava dome growth.

Colima Volcano Photos

Significant volcanic eruptions: Colima volcano

In the past 10,000 years, Colima has had at least 79 confirmed volcanic eruptions, out of which 53 are documented by historical records, while the others can be inferred from geological evidence.
Additionally, there are 7 uncertain or discredited eruptions from Colima volcano.
The table below lists all known eruptions (date in bold face) of Colima volcano since around 1900. Updates on the most recent volcanic activity of Colima can be found on the news page of Colima volcano.
2019 May 11 - Jul 12
Historical obs./docs.
2013 Jan 6 - 2017 Mar 7Summit crater
Historical obs./docs.
1997 Nov 22 - 2011 Jun 211994 crater
Historical obs./docs.
1994 Jul 21West of 1987 explosion crater
Historical obs./docs.
1991 Mar 1 - Oct 16 ±15 d.
Historical obs./docs.
?? 1988 Jun 15 ±180 d.
Uncertain Eruption
1987 Jul 2East side of summit lava dome
Historical obs./docs.
1985 Jul 2 ±182 d. - 1986 Jan 5 ±4 d.
Historical obs./docs.
?? 1983 Feb 11 - Feb 15
Uncertain Eruption
1977 Dec 16 ±15 d. - 1982 Jun 16 ±15 d.
Historical obs./docs.
1975 Dec 11 ? - 1976 Jun 20
Historical obs./docs.
?? 1973 Jan 30
Uncertain Eruption
1963 Jul 2 ±182 d. - 1970 Jul 2 ±182 d.
Historical obs./docs.
1961 Jul 2 ±182 d. - 1962 Dec 1 ±30 d.
Historical obs./docs.
1957 May 14 - 1960 Jul 2 ±182 d.
Historical obs./docs.
?? 1941 Apr 15
Uncertain Eruption
1926 ±4 y. - 1931 ?
Historical obs./docs.
1913 Jan 17 - Jan 24
Historical obs./docs.
1913 Jan 20
(eruption 1913 Jan 17 - Jan 24)
Historical obs./docs.
1908 Dec 18 - 1909 Jul 1 ±30 d.
Historical obs./docs.
1904 - 1906
Historical obs./docs.
1903 Feb 15 - Oct 30
Historical obs./docs.
1893 Dec 4 - 1902
Historical obs./docs.
Our list of volcanic eruptions closely follows the database of eruptions of the Smithsonian's Global Volcanism Project (GVP), the internationally most recognized data source for volcanic eruptions, but also includes significant eruptive episodes or related volcano events. "Volcanic eruptions" are usually to be understood as sequences of individual eruptive episodes that can follow each other, or even overlap (if several vents are involved), and can last many years, decades or even longer. For example, the current activity of Stromboli volcano is understood as a single eruption that has been ongoing since 1934.
Sources: NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI), Global Significant Volcanic Eruptions Database. doi:10.7289/V5TD9V7K | Global Volcanism Project / Smithsonian Institution

Colima Volcano FAQ

+When was the last eruption of Colima volcano?

+How often does Colima volcano erupt?

+How active is Colima volcano at present?

+When was the largest eruption of Colima volcano?

Latest satellite images

Colima satellite image sat1Colima satellite image sat2
Colima Volcano Tours
5 days expedition to observe and photograph Colima volcano, Mexico
5 days / 4 nights - Easy
Price open
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Colima Volcano Maps

Below is a selection of maps showing the location and surroundings of the volcano at various resolutions based on aerial-imagery / terrain maps. Feel free to use them for non-commercial purposes on your blog or website as long as you credit them with a link back to this page (click to copy it).
Satellite/aerial-type map of Colima volcano (world scale)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Colima volcano (world scale)
Terrain-type map of Colima volcano (world scale)
Terrain-type map of Colima volcano (world scale)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Colima volcano (region scale large)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Colima volcano (region scale large)
Terrain-type map of Colima volcano (region scale large)
Terrain-type map of Colima volcano (region scale large)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Colima volcano (region scale medium)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Colima volcano (region scale medium)
Terrain-type map of Colima volcano (region scale medium)
Terrain-type map of Colima volcano (region scale medium)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Colima volcano (region scale small)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Colima volcano (region scale small)
Terrain-type map of Colima volcano (region scale small)
Terrain-type map of Colima volcano (region scale small)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Colima volcano (local scale large)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Colima volcano (local scale large)
Terrain-type map of Colima volcano (local scale large)
Terrain-type map of Colima volcano (local scale large)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Colima volcano (local scale medium)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Colima volcano (local scale medium)
Terrain-type map of Colima volcano (local scale medium)
Terrain-type map of Colima volcano (local scale medium)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Colima volcano (local scale small)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Colima volcano (local scale small)
Terrain-type map of Colima volcano (local scale small)
Terrain-type map of Colima volcano (local scale small)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Colima volcano (scale of 10s of km)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Colima volcano (scale of 10s of km)
Terrain-type map of Colima volcano (scale of 10s of km)
Terrain-type map of Colima volcano (scale of 10s of km)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Colima volcano (scale of 20-40 km)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Colima volcano (scale of 20-40 km)
Terrain-type map of Colima volcano (scale of 20-40 km)
Terrain-type map of Colima volcano (scale of 20-40 km)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Colima volcano (scale of approx. 10-20 km)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Colima volcano (scale of approx. 10-20 km)
Terrain-type map of Colima volcano (scale of approx. 10-20 km)
Terrain-type map of Colima volcano (scale of approx. 10-20 km)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Colima volcano (scale of 5-10 km)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Colima volcano (scale of 5-10 km)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Colima volcano (scale of few kilometers)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Colima volcano (scale of few kilometers)
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Locaton of Colima volcano
Locaton of Colima volcano
Wed, 18 Oct 2023, 14:00

Colima volcano (Mexico) - Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report for 11 October-17 October 2023 (Continuing Activity)

On 13 October the Centro Universitario de Estudios Vulcanológicos (CUEV) - Universidad de Colima reported that during the previous week three lahars descended the Zarco (WSW), Montegrande (S), and La Arena drainages, triggered by Hurricane Lidia. In general, steam-and-gas emissions were low and rose from the NE part of the crater. ... Read all
Tue, 17 May 2022, 09:33

Colima volcano (Mexico) activity update: all remains calm

The volcano remains in a state of calm. The monitoring network of the Colima State University detected 4 high frequency events and 5 landslides, but nothing else that could suggest a reawakening of the volcano in a near future. ... Read all

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