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Ciremai Volcano

Updated: Mar 12, 2025 19:51 GMT -
West Java (Indonesia), -6.89°S / 108.4°E
Summit height: 3078 m (10,098 ft)
Current status: normal or dormant (1 out of 5)
Last update: 12 Dec 2021 (Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report)

Ciremai (or Cereme) volcano close to the north coast of Java is a symmetric stratovolcano and among the most beautiful and largest of Java's active volcanoes. It contains a deep twin crater elongated in E-W direction.
Ciremai's historic eruptions were infrequent, and consited mainly in mild explosive activity and mud flows from the summit crater.

[smaller] [larger]
Typical eruption style: Explosive
Ciremai volcano eruptions: 1951, 1937-38, 1805, 1775, 1772, 1698

Latest nearby earthquakes

Date and TimeMag / DepthDistance / Location


Ciremai volcano was constructed on top of the northern rim of the older 4.5 x 5 km Geger Halang caldera, believed to be the result of a large Plinian eruption.

Significant volcanic eruptions: Ciremai volcano

In the past 10,000 years, Ciremai has had at least 6 confirmed eruptions, all documented by historical records or observations.
There is one uncertain or discredited eruption in 2015 from Ciremai volcano.
The table below lists all known eruptions (date in bold face) of Ciremai volcano in historic times and during the past 10,000 years. Updates on the most recent volcanic activity of Ciremai can be found on the news page of Ciremai volcano.
?? 2015 Jun 24
Uncertain Eruption
Historical obs./docs.
1951 Mar 1 - Mar 2
Historical obs./docs.
1937 Jun 24 - 1938 Jan 7Floor and north wall of East Crater
Historical obs./docs.
1805 Apr
Historical obs./docs.
1775 Jan 4
Historical obs./docs.
1772 Aug 11 - Aug 12
Historical obs./docs.
1698 AD Feb 3
Historical obs./docs.
1698 AD
(eruption 1698 AD Feb 3)
Historical obs./docs.
31-50 (*)
(*) Estimated numbers
Our list of volcanic eruptions closely follows the database of eruptions of the Smithsonian's Global Volcanism Project (GVP), the internationally most recognized data source for volcanic eruptions, but also includes significant eruptive episodes or related volcano events. "Volcanic eruptions" are usually to be understood as sequences of individual eruptive episodes that can follow each other, or even overlap (if several vents are involved), and can last many years, decades or even longer. For example, the current activity of Stromboli volcano is understood as a single eruption that has been ongoing since 1934.
Sources: NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI), Global Significant Volcanic Eruptions Database. doi:10.7289/V5TD9V7K | Global Volcanism Project / Smithsonian Institution

Eruptions of Ciremai volcano

1937 eruption
On 24 June 1937, Cereme erupted again after 137 years. Ash eruptions caused ash fall in up to 10 km distance, and 3 earthquakes were felt in the area. Later, phreatic explosions occurred in the summit crater near the northern outer crater wall. On 2 October, a mudflow was produced reported to kill many fish in the river.

Ciremai Volcano FAQ

+When was the last eruption of Ciremai volcano?

+How often does Ciremai volcano erupt?

+How active is Ciremai volcano at present?

+When was the largest eruption of Ciremai volcano?

Latest satellite images

Ciremai satellite image sat1Ciremai satellite image sat2

Ciremai Volcano Maps

Below is a selection of maps showing the location and surroundings of the volcano at various resolutions based on aerial-imagery / terrain maps. Feel free to use them for non-commercial purposes on your blog or website as long as you credit them with a link back to this page (click to copy it).
Satellite/aerial-type map of Ciremai volcano (world scale)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Ciremai volcano (world scale)
Terrain-type map of Ciremai volcano (world scale)
Terrain-type map of Ciremai volcano (world scale)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Ciremai volcano (region scale large)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Ciremai volcano (region scale large)
Terrain-type map of Ciremai volcano (region scale large)
Terrain-type map of Ciremai volcano (region scale large)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Ciremai volcano (region scale medium)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Ciremai volcano (region scale medium)
Terrain-type map of Ciremai volcano (region scale medium)
Terrain-type map of Ciremai volcano (region scale medium)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Ciremai volcano (region scale small)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Ciremai volcano (region scale small)
Terrain-type map of Ciremai volcano (region scale small)
Terrain-type map of Ciremai volcano (region scale small)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Ciremai volcano (local scale large)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Ciremai volcano (local scale large)
Terrain-type map of Ciremai volcano (local scale large)
Terrain-type map of Ciremai volcano (local scale large)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Ciremai volcano (local scale medium)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Ciremai volcano (local scale medium)
Terrain-type map of Ciremai volcano (local scale medium)
Terrain-type map of Ciremai volcano (local scale medium)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Ciremai volcano (local scale small)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Ciremai volcano (local scale small)
Terrain-type map of Ciremai volcano (local scale small)
Terrain-type map of Ciremai volcano (local scale small)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Ciremai volcano (scale of 10s of km)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Ciremai volcano (scale of 10s of km)
Terrain-type map of Ciremai volcano (scale of 10s of km)
Terrain-type map of Ciremai volcano (scale of 10s of km)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Ciremai volcano (scale of 20-40 km)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Ciremai volcano (scale of 20-40 km)
Terrain-type map of Ciremai volcano (scale of 20-40 km)
Terrain-type map of Ciremai volcano (scale of 20-40 km)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Ciremai volcano (scale of approx. 10-20 km)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Ciremai volcano (scale of approx. 10-20 km)
Terrain-type map of Ciremai volcano (scale of approx. 10-20 km)
Terrain-type map of Ciremai volcano (scale of approx. 10-20 km)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Ciremai volcano (scale of 5-10 km)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Ciremai volcano (scale of 5-10 km)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Ciremai volcano (scale of few kilometers)
Satellite/aerial-type map of Ciremai volcano (scale of few kilometers)
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Wed, 24 Jun 2015, 06:00

Ciremai volcano (Western Java, Indonesia) - Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report for 24 June-30 June 2015 (New Activity / Unrest)

According to the Darwin VAAC a pilot observed a small "smoke" plume rising from Cereme on 24 June; ash was not identified in satellite images. ... Read all
Wed, 29 Oct 2003, 06:00

Ciremai volcano (Western Java, Indonesia) - Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report for 29 October-4 November 2003 (New Activity / Unrest)

DVGHM raised the Alert Level at Cereme to 2 (on a scale of 1-4) on 13 October after increases in seismic and volcanic activity. During 13-19 October, the seismic network recorded 36 deep-volcanic earthquakes. Seismicity decreased during 20-26 October, with 7 deep-volcanic earthquakes recorded. ... Read all

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