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Volcanoes в Греции или окрестностях (13)

Aegina | Antiparos | Kolumbo | Kos | Methana | Milos | Nisyros | Poros | Santorini | Sousaki | Sporades | Volos-Atalanti | Yali
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Tours in Greece

Nisyros Island (Greece)
Almonds, Olives and Volcanoes
8-day geo and walking tour on the volcanic islands of Nisyros & Kos, Greece
7 nights / 8 days - Умеренный
Price 1690 € $£¥
14-21 сен 2024
Milos Island (Greece)
The Island of Venus - Milos
6-day walking tours on Milos to discover its fascinating geology and history
6 days / 5 nights - Easy to Moderate
Price 1590 € $£¥
не запланированные даты в настоящее время
Остров Санторини (Греция)
Fascination Volcano
8 (9) days study and walking tour on Santorini, Greece
8 / 9 ???? - Умеренный
Price 1050 EUR (8d.) / 1175 EUR (9d.)
April 2025 (exact date soon)
Milos Island (Greece)
Geo Wonderland - Island of Milos
private geo tours to discover Milos' fascinating geology and history
3-4 days (customizeable) - Easy to Moderate
Price on request
Индивидуальные и групповые даты
Santorini Island (Greece)
Santorini Geology Tour
private tours to discover Santorini's geology with a volcanologist, 1-3 days
1-3 days - Различная (от средней до сложной)
Price from 750 EUR
Custom tour dates
Saronic Gulf (Greece)
Land of Theseus
8-day geo and walking tour in the Saronic Gulf near Athens
8 days / 7 nights - Умеренный
Price 1590 € $£¥
22-29 мар 2025
Saronic Gulf (Greece)
Treasures of the Saronic Gulf
private geo tour to the Methana volcanic peninsula and the Saronic Gulf, 2-3 days
3 days / 2 nights - Easy to Moderate
Price depending on group size, from 540 EUR
Индивидуальные и групповые даты
Latest news
Чт, 1 янв 1970, 00:00

Вулкан Санторини (Греция): фрески из города бронзового века в Акротири

The famous Ship Fresco from Akrotiri, Santorini
Одним из самых замечательных аспектов города бронзового века недалеко от Акротири на острове Санторини, покрытого вулканическим пеплом во время минойского извержения около 1600 г. до н.э. и частично раскопанного с 1956 года, является большое количество чудесных фресок, которые могут войти в число самых вдохновляющих произведений искусства со 2-го тысячелетия до нашей эры, но также дают уникальное представление о жизни и культуре в период расцвета минойской и кикладской культуры. ... Read all
Tue, 20 Apr 2021, 18:13

Moderate earthquake near undersea volcano beside Santorini, Greece. Should we worry?

This morning's earthquake near Kolumbo volcano offshore Santorini
This morning, a magnitude 4.0 earthquake occurred 10 km northeast of Santorini Island. The quake hit at 11.21 am local time. It was felt by many people on Santorini, especially in the northern part of the island in the town of Oia, mostly as weak shaking that lasted a few seconds. ... Read all
Sun, 13 Jan 2019, 15:56

Santorini volcano (Greece): earthquake swarm southwest off the island

Santorini's earthquakes seen on the seismometer on Nea Kameni's seismic station (image: Univ. Thessaloniki)
An earthquake swarm has been occurring near the island since this morning. So far, 16 quakes of magnitudes between 2 and 3.9 and at depths ranging between about 30-6 km have been detected. ... Read all
Wed, 30 Jan 2013, 09:01

Santorini volcano (Greece): new data of deformation during 2011-2012 show volcanic unrest has ended

Uplift at Santorini during the 2011-2012 unrest
According to the latest seismic and satellite (InSAR and GPS) data, the uplift at the Santorini volcano (2011-2012) has has come to an end. ... Read all
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