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Grozny Volcano

Updated: Jun 3, 2024 16:42 GMT -
complex volcano 1211 m / 3,973 ft
Iturup Island (Kuril Islands), 45.03°N / 147.92°E
Current status: normal or dormant (1 out of 5)
Last update: 15 Dec 2021

Grozny volcano (Etorofu Yake-yama in Japanese) in central Iturup Island, Kuriles, is one of the most frequently active volcanoes of the volcanic island chain.
It is a complex of 2 volcanoes: Ivan Grozny volcano and Tebenkov (also known as Odamoi-san) volcano.
Ivan Grozny volcano has a 3-3.5 km diameter caldera open to the south and includes the andesitic Grozny lava dome, whose name is also used for the whole complex. All known historic eruptions took place from Ivan Grozny volcano.

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Typical eruption style: explosive (phreatic), lava dome building
Grozny volcano eruptions: 2013, 2012 (?), 1989, 1973, 1973, 1970, 1968

Latest nearby earthquakes

No recent earthquakes
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To the NE, there are several other lava domes which are less than 10,000 years old. Their formation modified the shore of a former lake at the northern side of the caldera to extremely sinuous shape.
The forested andesitic Tebenkov volcano is located immediately NE of the Grozny dome complex. Machekh is a crater immediately south of Tebenkov and has strong fumarolic activity.
Source: GVP Grozny volcano information

Eruptions of Grozny volcano

2009 earthquake
A magnitude 5.1 earthquake occurred 12 km SE of Grozny volcano on 26 July 2009.

1989 eruption
Small phreatic eruptions occurred from the Grozny lava dome between 3 May and August 1989. New fumaroles, fissures and small explosion craters as well as lahars were formed in the eruption. ...more info

1973 eruption
A single weak (phreatic) explosion happened at Grozny volcano in January 1973.

Latest satellite images

Grozny satellite image sat1Grozny satellite image sat2
Wed, 3 Apr 2013, 22:31

Grozny volcano (Iturup Island, Kuriles): small eruption on 3 March

An eruption from Ivan Grozny volcano was reported yesterday by the Voice of Russia (German edition). According to the short news article, nearby villages received ash fall, and 2 millimeters of ash fell in Kurilsk town. Clouds prevented direct observations, and there was no sulfur odor detected. Read all
Wed, 3 Apr 2013, 06:00

Etorofu-Yakeyama [Grozny Group] volcano (Iturup, Etorofu) Island, Japan/Russia) - Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report for 3 April-9 April 2013 (New Activity / Unrest)

SVERT reported that on 3 April at 0755 ash from Grozny Group fell in Kurilsk (23 km N) and Kitovy, producing deposits 2-3 mm thick. Cloud cover prevented observations of the volcano. The next day satellite images showed an ash plume that rose 3 km (10,000 ft) a.s.l. and drifted W and NW. ... Read all

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