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Kolumbo volcano, Greece: news & activity updates

Updated: Mar 14, 2025 17:33 GMT-

Kolumbo submarine volcano (Greece): earthquakes in the area decrease, unlikely related to volcanic activity

Mon, 10 Mar 2025, 11:12
Earthquakes over time (past 30 days) near Kolumbo volcano
Earthquakes over time (past 30 days) near Kolumbo volcano
The earthquake swarm in the area half way between Santorini and Amorgos Island continues to decrease. Only occasionally, earthquakes have been reaching magnitudes higher than 3. Read all

Moderate earthquake near undersea volcano beside Santorini, Greece. Should we worry?

Tue, 20 Apr 2021, 18:13
This morning's earthquake near Kolumbo volcano offshore Santorini
This morning's earthquake near Kolumbo volcano offshore Santorini
This morning, a magnitude 4.0 earthquake occurred 10 km northeast of Santorini Island. The quake hit at 11.21 am local time. It was felt by many people on Santorini, especially in the northern part of the island in the town of Oia, mostly as weak shaking that lasted a few seconds. Read all

Kolumbos submarine volcano (Santorini, Greece): 3.2 magnitude earthquake

Tue, 13 Dec 2011, 22:20
Map of recent earthquakes beneath Santorini, showing the 3.2 event at Kolumbos volcano NE of Santorini
Map of recent earthquakes beneath Santorini, showing the 3.2 event at Kolumbos volcano NE of Santorini
At 19h22 GMT (21h22 local time), a 3.2 earthquake occurred at the little-known submarine volcano Kolumbos ca. 8 km NE of Santorini, Island, Greece. This marks one of the largest events in recent months. Read all
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Kolumbo volcano
submarine volcano -18 m / -60 ft
Greece, 36.52°N / 25.49°E
Map of Kolumbo volcano Current status: normal or dormant (1 out of 5) Kolumbo volcano eruptions:
Typical eruption style
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