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Things we have for sale - our online shop

Aggiornato: 12 mar. 2025 23:09 GMT -

Photo prints

We are sometimes asked if we sell prints of our photos. Now you can buy such prints for personal and non-commercial use, in sizes from 3x5 up to 30x40''in professional quality directly from us. Please visit the new website:!
Stromboli in eruption
Stromboli in eruption
If you are looking for a print of a particular photo that you cannot find in our online shop but somewhere else on this website, please let us know and we can set it up for you! Here are some examples available for online purchase:

Volcanoes & Earthquakes - new app for Android
Guaranteed tours
6-19 apr 2025: Desert, salt and volcanoes - Danakil desert (Ethiopia)
12-19 apr 2025: Europe's Volcanic Outpost - Canary Islands
9-25 giu 2025: Volcanoes and Spices - Sulawesi/Halmahera (Indonesia)
27 giu - 6 lug 2025: Iceland Volcano Special - Iceland
7-23 lug 2025: Volcanoes and Spices - Sulawesi/Halmahera (Indonesia)
1-17 ago 2025: Volcanoes and Spices - Sulawesi/Halmahera (Indonesia)
13-26 set 2025: Green Volcanoes - Azores (Portugal)
1-14 ott 2025: Desert, salt and volcanoes - Danakil desert (Ethiopia)
4-12 ott 2025: From Stromboli to Etna - Eolian Islands + Etna volcano
= spaces available   = guaranteed   = few spaces left   = booked out
Why is there advertising on this site?
Sources: VolcanoDiscovery / VolcanoAdventures and other sources as noted.
Use of material: Most text and images on our websites are owned by us. Re-use is generally not permitted without authorization. Contact us for licensing rights.
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VolcanoDiscovery GmbH, Germany, Reg. nr.: HRB 103744, EU Tax Id: DE 297 465 123 owned and created by
Dr. Tom Pfeiffer, volcanologist, volcano photographer, tour organizer member of
Vulkanologische Gesellschaft
Volcanological Society
Ecotourism Greece
Ecotourism Greece
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