En utilisant des photos / droits de licence
Please note: you may NOT use any photo from our website without prior permission. All photos in our archive and throughout this website are available as high-resolution digital files (digital photos or high-end scans) in various sizes of up to 120MB. If you are interested in acquiring licensing rights, please
contact us with details about the intended use, the file- (or photo-) names and required resulution/print size.
Tirages photo
We are sometimes asked if we sell prints of our photos. Now you can buy such prints for personal and non-commercial use, in sizes from 3x5 up to 30x40 ''in professional quality directly from us. Please visit the new website:
www.volcano-photo.com !
Départs garantis:
= Places libres = Départ garanti = Quelques places disponibles = Groupe fermé