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Etna volcano, Sicily, Italy: news & activity updates

Updated: Mar 25, 2025 23:20 GMT-

Etna volcano update: eruptive activity in SE crater yesterday

Tue, 25 Mar 2025, 03:36
The tremor plot at the Etna depicting a sharp peak of volcanic tremor yesterday (image: National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology Catania)
The tremor plot at the Etna depicting a sharp peak of volcanic tremor yesterday (image: National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology Catania)
The National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology in Catania reported an explosive eruption at the volcano's South-East crater yesterday. Read all

Etna Volcano Volcanic Ash Advisory: ERUPTION AT 20250324/1018Z ACTIVITY WEAKENING OBS VA DTG: 24/1800Z

Mon, 24 Mar 2025, 18:00
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Etna volcano
Complex stratovolcano Currently 3,369 m / 11,053 ft (changing due to eruptive activity and collapse of its crater rims)
Sicily, Italy, 37.75°N / 14.99°E
Map of Etna volcano Current status: erupting (4 out of 5) Etna volcano eruptions:
Near continuously active; some major historic eruptions include 122 BC (large Plinian outbursts that created the small caldera of the "Cratere del Piano"), 1669 AD (devastating flank eruption that destroyed 15 villages and part of Catania), 1787 (Subplinian eruption and one of the most spectacular summit eruptions on record - lava fountains reportedly up to 3000 m high).
Eruptions since 1950 (f: flank / s: summit activity): 1950 (s), 1950-51(f), 1955 (s), 1956 (s), 1956 (f), 1957 (s),1960 (s), 1961 (s), 1964 (f), 1964 (s), 1966 (s), 1966-1971(s), 1968 (f), 1971(f), 1972-1973 (s), 1974 (f), 1974-1975 (s), 1975-1977 (f), 1977-1978 (s), 1978 (f), 1979(s), 1979 (f), 1980 (s), 1981 (s), 1981 (f),1982-1983 (s), 1983(f), 1984(s), 1985(s), 1985(f), 1986(s), 1986-1987 (f), 1987(s), 1988(s), 1989(s), 1989(f), 1990 (s), 1991-93(f), 1995(s), 1996(s), 1997 (s), 1998 (s), 1999 (s), 2000 (s), 2001(s), 2001 (f), 2002(s), 2002-03(f), 2004-2005 (f), 2006 (s), 2007 (s), 2008-2009 (f), 2010(s), 2011-2013(s), 2014-18, 2018(f), 2019-ongoing (s)
Typical eruption style
Effusive (lava flows) and mildly explosive (strombolian) eruptions. Both summit and frequent flank eruptions, the latter seem to be occurring in clusters lasting few to a few tens of years.
Etna Volcano Tours
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Volcanoes of Italy - the Grand Tour
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Etna Volcano Special
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Custom and group dates
Sicily and Eolian Islands (Italy)
From Stromboli to Etna
9-day walking & study tour to Stromboli, Lipari, Vulcano and Etna with our expert volcanologist
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Price 2950 €
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