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Radicofani Volcano

Updated: 30. Jun. 2024 14:37 GMT -
Volcanic remnant unknown
Italy, 42.87°N / 11.77°E
Aktueller Status: (wahrscheinlich) erloschen (0 von 5)

[smaller] [larger]
Typische Aktivität: unspecified
Ausbrüche des Radicofani: None during the past 10,000 years
Less than 2.58 million years ago (Pleistocene)

Letzte Erdbeben in der Nähe

UhrzeitMag. / TiefeEntfernung / Ort
26. Jun. 23:25 (Rome)

9.3 km
26 km nordwestlich 36 km südöstlich von Siena, Siena, Toskana, Italien


Radicofani, a part of the Tuscan Magmatic Province located within the Sierra-Radicofani Graben, is a relatively small monogenetic volcano now represented by a volcanic neck (Peccerillo, 2005; Conticello et al., 2011). Although the original edifice was a cinder cone, it is highly dissected, leaving only lava flow remnants and scoria deposits east of Monte Amiata (Peccerillo, 2005; Conticello et al., 2011). Columnar jointing is present in the middle and lower portions of the neck and large lava blocks and bombs are scattered about within several kilometers (Conticello et al., 2011). The lavas are generally basaltic-andesitic to shoshonitic in composition (Conticello et al., 2011). The lavas of the upper and lower parts of the neck have been dated to about 1.3 Ma and 1.08-1.22 Ma ago, respectively (Conticello et al., 2011; Peccerillo, 2005).
Smithsonian / GVP volcano information

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