Bromo volcano photos Bromo is one of Indonesia's most visited volcanoes. It is the most active vent inside the huge Tengger caldera and erupts every few years.
Earthquakes in Turkey Turkey is one of the most earthquake-affected countries in the world, due to its dramatic tectonic setting on the Anatolian plate. See all latest and significant past quakes!
Colima volcano photos This beautiful stratovolcano in western Mexico is one of the most active volcanoes on the American continents. It is known for its often spectacular explosions and sometimes glowing avalanches.
Top 20 quakes in 2016 Several magnitude 7 quakes occurred in 2016 (but none above M8): Papua New Guinea, NZ, Ecuador, Solomon Islands, Sumatra, Chile, Alaska and others - nearly all major earthquakes were located near active subduction zones. See the top 20 list of largest quakes in 2016 with this map.