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Linosa Volcano

Updated: 6 juin. 2024 13:33 GMT -
Pyroclastic cone(s) 195 m / 640 ft
Italy, 35.87°N / 12.87°E
Condition actuelle: (probablement) éteint (0 sur 5)

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Style éruptif tipique: unspecified
Eruptions du volcan Linosa: None during the past 10,000 years
Less than 2.58 million years ago (Pleistocene)

Derniers séismes proches

HeureMag. / ProfondeurDistance / Lieu
2 juin 22:11 (GMT +1)

31 km
29 km au nord-ouest Italy: Canale di Sicilia meridionale (MARE)  I FELT IT - 2 reportsInfo


Linosa Island, in the Straight of Sicily graben system midway between Sicily and Tunisia, is the subaerial exposure of a large submarine volcano. The island contains several monogenetic hydrovolcanic eruptive centers, both effusive and Strombolian, as well cinder cones and lava flows dated to 1.06-0.53 Ma (Peccerillo, 2005). During this time, there were three main episodes of volcanism. The first phase developed hydromagmatic scoria cones and tuff rings of mafic composition. The second phase involved both effusive and explosive hydromagmatic activity, producing scoria and lava flows. The third phase produced basaltic lava flows, scoria deposits, and some hydromagmatic deposits, during which time the largest cones on the island formed (Peccerillo, 2005). Within each eruptive phase, hydromagmatic activity decreased with time, as lava flows helped reduce the islands erodability and limited the contact between craters and seawater (Guest et al., 2003).
Smithsonian / GVP volcano information

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